BOS Gear
You can find our 100% parachute nylon hammocks in this section. If you are an outdoor enthusiast, you have come to the right place. We are a Utah based outdoor gear company that has one goal in mind, "let's bug out".
B.O.S Hammocks
B.O.S Hammocks
THE BIGGEST & THE BEST| Our hammocks are all over 9ft long and 6.5ft wide. Not only are they quality, but they are HUGE! With Strong Top Notch Parachute Nylon material, holds up to 350 lbs. (450 with added straps.) Give yourself the reassurance of staying up in your hammock for as little or as long as you want. Seriously, you can live in it if you want to (not recommended).
FOR EVERYONE| Whether you’re the lazy couch potato, the adventurous outdoorsmen, hopeless romantic or a super hipster, these hammocks are perfect for you. You can “hang out”, chill out, make out, or sleep out. You can pretty much do whatever you want (just buy the hammock, it’s awesome).
LIGHT & EASY TO PACK| Weighing under 1lb, take your hammock anywhere you want (unless you are super wimpy). Easy to store and easy to pack, on all your hikes, camps, and vacations. We just like to make things easy.
SIMPLE SET UP| You only need two secure points and you can set up your hammock. Whether you find some trees, a couple of posts or any strong standing object, your only a few steps away from the ultimate relaxing experience.
DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER| Don't just listen to us, try it out for yourself and feel the difference in our hammocks, click the "Add to Cart" button now and start living your life outdoors. If you completely hate our totally awesome hammock (you won’t), then we will give you a full refund for it. Just send it back to us, because we don’t want our poor hammock to not be used by someone who hates it. (That’s just rude).
Doing Things the BOS Way: What does adventure mean? We have thought a lot about this in the recent years. To us, it seems to mean that we put ourselves in situations we aren’t normally in, or that we aren’t 100% comfortable with. This has been the inspiration for Bug Out Supply Co. We have crazy amounts of potential as human beings, and are capable of awesome things! We live on an earth that is SOO full of natural beauty. We want to challenge the world to do a little more (seek more adventure). It doesn’t matter if that means not watching Netflix for a day, or hiking Mount Everest. We all have different forms of adventure. Here at B.O.S our goal is simple, help people “Bug Out”. Our hammocks are designed to go everywhere you go, so when you do get outside, you can take a moment and enjoy the view. Features: 100% Brand new and High Quality. Durable, colorful and portable Easy to be cleaned and dry quickly after being wet Strong hammock with stand weight of 350lb Easy fixing, just fix the hammock with 2 binding strings and tie the strings to trees or poles Easy to carry and pack with the same color sack Specification: Material: Parachute nylon fabric Weight capacity: 350lb Size: Approx 304cmx198cm Package included: 1 x BOS Hammock 2 x Strong Ropes Unlimited x Good Times